Optical Communication

100G QSFP28 ZR4 80km

  • Eoptolink adds QSFP28 ZR4 80km with excellent transmission performance
  • Eoptolink has developed QSFP28 ZR4 80km with excellent transmission performance. 100GE QSFP28 ZR4 module support 80km based on SM fiber without any external EDFA or DCM, low power consumption and good optical budget, solution is dedicated for metro and DCI scenario, transceiver can be used in most legacy switches, routers and transmission equipment for p2p applications.
  • PN: EOLQ-161HG-80-L7

100G QSFP28

  • EOLQ-851HG-02 QSFP28 SR4 100G Optical transceiver module are designed for use in 100 Gigabit Ethernet links over multimode fiber. They are compliant with the QSFP28 MSA and IEEE 802.3bm 100GBASE-SR4.
  • EOLQ-161HG-10 QSFP28 LR4 100G transceiver module is designed for 103Gigabit Ethernet links over 10Km single mode fiber. It is compliant with IEEE 802.3ba 100GBASE-LR4.
  • EOLQ-161HG-40-L7 QSFP28 ER4 transceiver module is designed for 100 Gigabit Ethernet links over 40Km single mode fiber.
  • EOLQ-161HG-80-L7 QSFP28 ZR4 transceiver module is designed for 100 Gigabit Ethernet links over 80Km single mode fiber.
  • Datasheet

100G CFP2

  • Eoptolink CFP2-100GBASE-LR4 / CFP2-100GBASE-ER4 / CFP2-100GBASE-ZR4 module supports a link length of 10, 25, 40 and 80km kilometers on standard single-mode fiber (SMF, G.652).
  • 100 Gigabit Ethernet signal is carried over four wavelengths. Multiplexing and demultiplexing of the four wavelengths are managed within the device.
  • Datasheet

200G PAM4 CFP2

  • 200G PAM4 CFP2 transceiver module is designed for 200 Gigabit Ethernet links over 10km/40km single mode fiber.
  • Digital diagnostics functions are available via an I2C interface, as specified by the CFP2 MSA.
  • Datasheet

200G QSFP28-DD

  • 200G QSFP28-DD is addressing three technical challenges for Ethernet switch and router vendors. The transceiver can be used to offer 200G point-to-point interconnections. They also can be used for high port building practices in 100G switches/routers, thus doubling the port density by using the two CS connector interfaces independently. Additionally, the transceivers can be used in 400G switches/routers to offer more efficient backward compatibility to legacy 100G interfaces like CWDM4, 4WDM-10 or LR4
  • Datasheet

400G QSFP56-DD

  • 400G QSFP56-DD transceivers are addressing the technical challenges of achieving high speed 400G interconnections. The transceivers have four optical lanes that operate at 100Gbps PAM4 modulation, providing solutions up to 400 Gbps. The transceivers have on the electrical side 8 lanes of 53.125Gbps PAM4. They are compliant with the QSFP-DD MSA (DD = Double Density).
  • Datasheet


  • Eoptolink is developing OSFP (Octal Small Form Factor Pluggable) a new pluggable form factor with eight high speed electrical lanes that will initially support 400 Gbps (8x50G or 4x100G). It is slightly wider and deeper than the QSFP-DD but it still supports 32 OSFP ports per 1U front panel, enabling 12.8 Tbps per 1U switch slot. OSFP is designed to support the next generation of 800G optics modules that will use eight lanes of 100Gbps, and offers backwards compatibility with 100G QSFP.
  • Datasheet